Там моя фотка первая. И где-то посередине Шекспир в розовых очках.
Символично, бл...
Ну ведь не с..дела, это мой первый и единственный ник.
How Did Shakespeare Do It?: It is generally believed that William Shakespeare was the greatest playwright of all time. That is because he was good at creating conflict. “A play’s plot structure is based on a complication arising from the individual’s or group’s relationship to some other force”—in other words, a conflict . The conflict should be presented early on in the play. Following the conflict is a series of crises or complications that build and lead toward a final climax. The climax is the turning point where one force wins and the other loses. Plot remaining after the climax is known as the resolution. Shakespeare had this formula down pat. And if you did too, maybe you could be the next Shakespeare.
Я большей х..еты в жизни не читала. Простите, заинтересовала фотка, слазила по сцылке.
Прости их вилли, ибо не ведают, что творил.