давно меня здесь не было, заглянул и даже наностальгировал на целый экспромт)
When all your hopes just fall apart
When you are playing open cards
The curtain`s fall you cannot swap,
The only way is to give up
When rain that hits onto your face
Hurts you with every single lace
When time is swallowing your brain
Repeating seconds once again,
These dancing shadows on the floor
You cannot stare at no more,
They crash the air in between.
You know exactly what I mean?
When creepy sounds from the street
Just make you cold from nose to feet
You can`t ignore, you can`t pretend
But after all, that`s not the end.
You are a raindrop in the sky
You fall, evaporate and fly
You come full circle, that`s the world
Like flaming phoenix, just unfold
Just breathe the particles around
The lost is meant to be the found
Forget your every single scar,
Just shine again, like neutron star
There are no fears to infest,
Be on the way to be the best
Inhale the truth, relax and calm
The best is always yet to come.