Анна Дарк
Значит тебя всё-таки зацепила эта песня??))))здорово)))ААнь,зачем тебе слова??там каждое слово отчётливо слышно и понятно....я тебе завтра в школе под аккомпонимент всё запишу))
Ловлю на слове))Дааа...песня меня зацепила...


Люди дайте пожалуйста слова песенки I hate everything about you....(three days grace) :lol: :( ;)


Анна Дарк
Хотелось бы найти текст песни "Вместо жизни" - Блондинки Ксю


Его лба отпечаток на запотевшем окне.
Его запах на веки здесь в колючем табаке.
Его взгляд пересказан добродушным судом.
Он будет жить после смерти, а вовсе не до...
Вместо жизни - три точки...
Вместо смерти - кусочки...
От тебя осталась строчка неоконченая...

Его пальцы пустили дальше неба ростки.
Его чрево желает, чтоб в нем жили лепестки.
Его взгляд пересказан добродушным судом.
Он будет жить после смерти, а вовсе не до...

Вместо жизни - три точки...
Вместо смерти - кусочки...
От тебя осталась строчка неоконченая...
От тебя только строчка, от тебя...


On his face is a map of the world
Тексты альбомов Placebo (Without You I'm Nothing и Meds)
Еще Muse (Black Holes and Revelations)если есть у кого?


Да что вы оригами всякое пишете...
Может есть у кого текста Сонаты Арктики всё же?


ну просто захотелось выложить STATIC X

This moment in time
This moment defined
How is it I feel nothing?
Just don't say goodbye
You say to me
I'm trying to do the right thing

This moment in time
This moment defined
How is it I feel nothing?

It's alright

And we sneak a call
And we're like thieves
I love the times like these
Just don't say goodbye
Just won't you please
I'm trying to do the right thing

It's alright

All my life I was in the cold
Now I find I feel nothing more
Leave me to learn
Leave me to hurt
Now I'm not so invincible

It's just come to this you know

Sunset Neko

Песня: Conflict

You are, enemy
You are my hated enemy
I am enemy
Number one rated enemy
I'm labelled enemy
I am your mortar enemy
My actions enemy
Make me your bitter enemy

All the world around enemy
They're tearing up the ground enemy
They're drawn in by the sound
Enemy, enemy I must eliminate my Enemy

Your people, enemy
My people's hated enemy
What are you, enemy
Though a created enemy
Terminate the, enemy
Eradicate the hated enemy
I am an enemy
My very greatest enemy

You try to tell me that you love life
Then find another way to kill life


есть у кого-нибудь тексты песен "Мертвая Романтика" и "Комья Земли" группы Deform?
Гражданская Оборона - Про дурочка

Ходит дурачок по лесу,
Ищет дурачок глупее себя.
Ходит дурачок по лесу,
Ищет дурачок глупее себя.

Идет Смерть по улице, несет блины на блюдце
Кому вынется - тому и сбудется.
Тронет за плечо, поцелует горячо.
Полетят копейки из-за пазухи долой! (...ОЙЙЙ)

Ходит дурачок по лесу,
Ищет дурачок глупее себя.
Ходит дурачок по лесу,
Ищет дурачок глупее себя.

Зубастые колеса завертелись в башке
В промокшей башке под бронебойным дождем
Закипела ртуть, замахнулся кулак
Да только, если крест на грудь, то на последний глаз - пятак. (...Эх)

Ходит дурачок по лесу,
Ищет дурачок глупее себя.
Ходит дурачок по лесу,
Ищет дурачок глупее себя.

Моя мертвая мамка вчера ко мне пришла
Все грозила кулаком, называла дураком
Предрассветный комар опустился в мой пожар
Захлебнулся кровью из моего виска

Ходит дурачок по миру,
Ищет дурачок глупее себя.
Ходит дурачок по миру,
Ищет дурачок глупее себя.

А сегодня я воздушных шариков купил
Полечу на них над расчудесной страной
Буду пух глотать, буду в землю нырять
И на все вопросы отвечать: "Всегда живой!"

Ходит дурачок по небу,
Ищет дурачок глупее себя.
Ходит дурачок по небу,
Ищет дурачок глупее себя.

Светило Солнышко и ночью и днем
Не бывает атеистов в окопах под огнем
Добежит слепой, победит ничтожный
Такое вам и не снилось.

Ходит дурачок по небу,
Ищет дурачок глупее себя.
Ходит дурачок по небу,
Ищет дурачок глупее себя.

Ходит дурачок по миру
Ищет дурачок глупее себя.
Ходит дурачок по миру,
Ищет дурачок глупее се-ебяяяя


Prime Sth - let me bleed

Been here before
scratching on your door
Feeling empty, I'm always back for more

I'm hypnotized and paralysed
My aching love for you can't be denied

But you just let me bleed
I'm in need of someone
why can't you see

Im all used up
waiting for the call
In a Jesus Christ pose nailed to the wall

I'm in a mess and I'm falling down
And this is where the angels should come around

But you just let me bleed
I'm in need of someone
why can't you see
that you're the only one
that makes things real
I'm in need of something
to make me feel
that I'm the only one

My precious love what have I done
You left me here all alone
and I'll be here forever waiting
For you
you're the only one for me

But you just let me bleed
I'm in need of someone
why can't you see
that you're the only one
that makes things real
I'm in need of something
to make me feel
that I'm the only one

My sugar...

Im coming back for more...
I'll never let you go


У кого есть тексты песен AVRIL Laving или хотя бы перевод 1 песенки её? :wacko:


Внученька :D
Есть и песни и перевод... Для подруги делала. Что конкретно надо?


follow your heart...
Люди, дайте текст и аккорды Блондинки Ксю - "Вместо жизни"


Внученька :D
My World
Please tell me what is takin place,
Cuz I cant seem to find a trace,
Guess it must have got erased somehow
Probably cause I always forget,
Everytime someone tells me their name,
Its always gotta be the same.
(in my world)
Never wore cover up,
Always beat the boys up,
Grew up in a five thousand population town,
Made my money by cutting grass,
Got fired by fried chicken ass,
All in a small town, in napanee.

You know I always stay up without sleepin,
And think to myself,
Where do I belong forever,
In whose arms, the time and place

Cant help it if I space in a daze,
My eyes tune out the other way,
I may switch off and go in a daydream,
In this head my thoughts are deep,
Sometimes I cant even speak,
Would someone be and not pretend
Im off again in my world!

I never spend less than an hour,
Washin my hair in the shower,
It always takes five hours to make it straight,
So Ill braid it in a zillion braids,
So it may take a friggin day,
Theres nothing else better to do anyway.

When youre all alone in the lands of forever,
Lay under the milky way,
On and on its getting too late out,
Im not in love this time, this night.

Cant help if I space in a daze,
My eyes tune out the other way,
I may switch off and go in a daydream,
In this head my thoughts are deep,
Sometimes I cant even speak,
Would someone be and not pretend
Im off again in my world!

(la la la la)

Take some time,
Mellow out,
Party it up,
Dont fall down,
Dont get caught,
Sneak out of the house!

Cant help if I space in a daze,
My eyes tune out the other way,
I may switch off and go in a daydream,
In this head my thoughts are deep,
Sometimes I cant even speak,
Would someone be and not pretend
Im off again in my world!

Cant help if I space in a daze,
My eyes tune out the other way,
I may switch off and go in a daydream,
In this head my thoughts are deep,
Sometimes I cant even speak,
Would someone be and not pretend
Im off again in my world!

Милая такая песенка:
Sk8er Boi
He was a boy she was a girl,
Can i make it anymore obvious
He was a punk
she did ballet
What more can I say
He wanted her, but she'd never tell
That secretly she wanted him as well.
But all of her friends, stuck up their nose
They had a problem with his baggy clothes

He was a sk8r boy, she said see ya later boy
he wasn't good enough for her.
She had a pretty face but her head was up in space
She needed to come back down to Earth

5 years from now
she sits at home
feeding her baby she's all alone
She turns on TV, guess who she sees
Sk8r Boi rocking up MTV
She calls up her friends they already know
They've all got tickets to see his show
She tags along
Stands in the crowd
Looks up at the man that she turned down

He was a skater boy
she said see ya later boy
he wasn't good enough for her
But now he's a superstar
Slamming on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth

He was a skater boy
she said see ya later boy
he wasn't good enough for her
But now he's a superstar
Slamming on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he's worth

Sorry girl but you missed out
Well tough luck that boys mine now
We are more than just good friends
this is how the story ends
It's too bad you couldn't see
See the man that boy could be
There is more than meets the eye
I see the soul that is inside

He's just a boy
and I'm just a girl
Can i make it anymore obvious
We are in love haven't you heard
How we rock eachothers world

I'm with the skater boy
I said see you later boy
I'll be backstage after the show

My Happy Ending

So much for my happy ending
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

Let's talk this over
It's not like we're dead
Was it something I did?
Was it something You said?
Don't leave me hanging
In a city so dead
Held up so high
On such a breakable thread

You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be

You were everything, everything that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
And all the memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

You've got your dumb friends
I know what they say
They tell you I'm difficult
But so are they
But they don't know me
Do they even know you?
All the things you hide from me
All the shit that you do

You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be


It's nice to know you were there
Thanks for acting like you cared
And making me feel like I was the only one
It's nice to know we had it all
Thanks for watching as I fall
And letting me know we were done

[Chorus x2]

Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

Пока 3 штучки, для всех трёх есть переводы, но за ними - в личку (если надо) т. к. ранние и корявые :wacko: Если нужен текст - говори конкретно, что нравится, если у меня есть - выложу.