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Лет десять назад на местном конкурсе песни девочка победила, Паньшина Марина, с песенкой-соул "Take Me Back".

Хто-нибудь помнит фамилие аффтара или исполнительницы оригинала хотя бы? Чернокожая дамочка, кажись, песню пела. Марина сама уже к сожалению не помнит..
. давно дело было.
В поисковиках - глухо... находили 3 года назад на местном сайте текст, но он уже благополучно потерялся... да и сайт прикрыли.


I'll be back
Лет десять назад на местном конкурсе песни девочка победила, Паньшина Марина, с песенкой-соул "Take Me Back".
Не этот текст?

Take Me Back

Into your heart
Into your heart
There are voices like water
Inside echoes

Take me back to the place
Where I once belonged
This could be any place
A place where you and I could sing this song

Take me back where I hear waterfalls flowing

Let me dive into the lake
Where winter hides the snow
Then comes the summertime
Fields of scarlet poppies grow

Take me back where I see butterflies toing froing

And the river flows
I am never gonna take it back again
And the river flows
I am never gonna get it back again

We don't know anything
Trapped in a world full of strangers
Please don't tell me anything
I'd rather fall into you

Let me sleep a little while
Underneath the trees
And dream of dragonflies
Where the weary willow weeps for me

Take me back where I see dandelions blowing

And the river flows
I am never gonna take it back again
And the river flows
I am never gonna get it back again
And the river flows
I am never gonna take it back again
And the river flows
I am never gonna get it back again
And the river flows
I am never gonna take it back again

We don't know anything
Trapped in a world full of strangers
Please don't tell me anything
I'd rather fall into you


Не этот текст?

Take Me Back

Into your heart
Into your heart
There are voices like water
Inside echoes

Take me back to the place
Where I once belonged
This could be any place
A place where you and I could sing this song

Take me back where I hear waterfalls flowing

Let me dive into the lake
Where winter hides the snow
Then comes the summertime
Fields of scarlet poppies grow

Take me back where I see butterflies toing froing

And the river flows
I am never gonna take it back again
And the river flows
I am never gonna get it back again

We don't know anything
Trapped in a world full of strangers
Please don't tell me anything
I'd rather fall into you

Let me sleep a little while
Underneath the trees
And dream of dragonflies
Where the weary willow weeps for me

Take me back where I see dandelions blowing

And the river flows
I am never gonna take it back again
And the river flows
I am never gonna get it back again
And the river flows
I am never gonna take it back again
And the river flows
I am never gonna get it back again
And the river flows
I am never gonna take it back again

We don't know anything
Trapped in a world full of strangers
Please don't tell me anything
I'd rather fall into you


Там припев "Take me back because I'm falling down...."

Первый куплет кажется с "All alone начинается..."

Ваще-то хотелось бы найти запись...


есть у кого-нибудь песенка DJ Johny Beast - Ангел???
у меня есть, если конечно мы говорим об одном треке!!!Вообщем там слова начинаются "Ангелы целуют, ангел это ты, ангелы ревнуют, ангелы светы, ангелы укроют от любой беды, ангелы все могут ангелы как ты ну и т.д!!!если оно то обращайся!!! B)


Там припев "Take me back because I'm falling down...."
Первый куплет кажется с "All along начинается..."
Take Me Back

Music by Jon Hällgren
Lyrics by Linn Engström

All alone
I watch the sun set in the horizon
The sky turns blue
God knows that I am too
And as I'm sitting here
The wind blows memories to my mind
So I close my eyes and try
To say a silent prayer

So won't you take me back
Cause I'm falling down
Oh help me find my way
Into safer ground
Oh won't you take me back
Cause I just can't seem to find the way

I've lost my grip of time
So many choices so many options
And as I my mind was so confused
I think I lost myself
And like I used to say
I know what I want and I'm gonna get it
But that was long ago
I'm just a shadow of myself

So here I am
And I'm still sitting here all alone
But though my mind was so confused
I think I found myself

* * *
Если текст тот самый, то это должна быть она.


Take Me Back

Music by Jon Hällgren
Lyrics by Linn Engström

All alone
I watch the sun set in the horizon
The sky turns blue
God knows that I am too
And as I'm sitting here
The wind blows memories to my mind
So I close my eyes and try
To say a silent prayer

So won't you take me back
Cause I'm falling down
Oh help me find my way
Into safer ground
Oh won't you take me back
Cause I just can't seem to find the way

I've lost my grip of time
So many choices so many options
And as I my mind was so confused
I think I lost myself
And like I used to say
I know what I want and I'm gonna get it
But that was long ago
I'm just a shadow of myself

So here I am
And I'm still sitting here all alone
But though my mind was so confused
I think I found myself

* * *
Если текст тот самый, то это должна быть она.

Cпасибо огромное! :p B) B)


ммм...а АнИмия есть у кого-нить и музычка из Реквиема по мечте?)))желательно на фтп))


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