пробовал качать всёравно х жимах пишет одно и тоже
А какой девайс у тебя?
Not Supported Devices
All of the following devices will NOT WORK with Jimm as they do not support socket connection, which is used by Jimm to talk to the ICQ servers, or they have to less RAM(Java heap). You will not be able to use Jimm on these devices.
Nokia 3650 (flawed Socket support)
Nokia 6800 (too little RAM)
Nokia 7210 (missing Socket support)
Nokia 7250 (missing Socket support)
Nokia 7250i (too little RAM)
Nokia 7650 (flawed Socket support)
Nokia N-Gage (flawed Socket support)
Siemens C55 (too little RAM)
Siemens SX1 (flawed Socket support)
Sony Ericsson T610 (missing Socket support)
Sony Ericsson P800 (missing Socket support)